Our 3rd Grader
Adoption News: No news is good news, right. We are patiently waiting on the Lord to do his good work. We are waiting on Kai's official documents. We will be doing another round of paperwork once they arrive. With the papers should be some pictures and maybe a video of him. We are also waiting to hear of our court hearing taking place for Naveia. Our foremost prayer request is that our children are being protected and loved. Then that God would work in the minds of the officials in Taiwan overseeing our case, that they would feel lead to expedite our case through the courts. Still hoping boldly to bring our children home in December. AmenFriday, August 28, 2009
Schools In
Thursday, August 20, 2009
And his name is.....
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It's a boy!
Back in April when we got Naveia's referral I read her social background history and noticed her birth mother had a baby boy in 2007. So I asked if he was open for inter country adopt. For a long time Taiwan never gave us and answer. Our agency asked about the child numerous times, but never got an answer. I was hopeful but new that the odds were not in our favor and that if it was meant to be God would work out the details. Finally at the end of June we were told that he was NOT available for adoption. The only explanation was that it was a long story and a bit complicated. In the context of Chinese culture, that is the polite way to say, please stop asking, and that I have no more to tell you. I was saddened but not broken as I felt God must have another plan for his child. I had accepted that he would not be ours. I took down the crib and was going to sell it. Just yesterday he was on my mind the whole day. I had finale closure about him as I packed away the cloths I had set aside for him just in case. I was going to send them to Taiwan for the clothing drive and had called a friend to give the winter boys cloths to her grandson. I better save all my little boys cloths now. Because I have a baby boy coming! After they told us today I realized I was thinking of him on his birthday while in Taiwan they were preparing our good news. What a birthday present for him, a family. He just turned two as of yesterday. God is so good! John is going to announce his name to the family tonight. His given name is Yi-Hsu which we will keep as his middle name like Naveia Hsiao-Yu. I am so excited I am just rambling on...